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Home > Nude Solutions modules > insights > Production Report Guide
Production Report Guide
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Production Report


Tabular report showing all policy details at dec page.


  • NEW: Updated November 2021 - Status Count added (consolidating PIF Count, PIF Premium and Policy Count).
  • NEW: Updated September 2021 - Cancellation reason slicer and column.
  • NEW: Updated August 2021 - On the second page of the report (Policy Details), column included for customer telephone number. 
  • NEW: Updated July 2021 - Toggle option situated at the top of the report to Include or Exclude Flat Cancellations. 
  • First page show summary details (PIF Count, PIF Premium, Policy Sales, Written Premium)
  • Second page shows all policy details including endorsements and/or cancellations.



  • In Summary by Policy Type & Policy Status (middle visual) you can click on the + icon next to the Policy type and the list expands to provide a drill down of those transaction. Shown here:




  • NEW: November 2021 -  Change to table (consolidate the three columns PIF Count, PIF Premium and Policy Count). In summary by Policy Status (right visual in the larger frame above), there is now a Status Count. 



  • Use the Policy Details Page to view the details at a policy level. Like here: 




Policy Details Page (second page of the report)



Cancellation reason slicer and column



You can now use the slicer in the production report, to slice by Cancellation reason.  This feature is on page/tab 2 of the report, called Policy Details.








If you forget which criteria you used in the slicers and want to reset to all again, and re filter.  Select the Reset to Default option, which appears at the top of the screen and looks like this:



  • Use the slicers BEFORE exporting a report as failing could result in a huge report which does not provide the key information you need and can take excessive time.
  • There are more options at the top of the screen for you to use, including Export, if you wanted to export to a PDF, PowerPoint or Excel format.



To export the report to Excel


  • Hover the mouse anywhere over the above table, that’s in the report.
  • The below sub menu appears and you select the  …

  • Menu opens, select Export Data.
  • Save as a File Format of your preference, and Select Export.


Note: It is worth mentioning that the report has two export options. Shown here:



You will only have the option of Summarized Data, which does not mean that you will not have all the data that is available for your company. It is simply greyed out as Underlying Data is a function used by Nude Solutions Data Analysis.

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