Here is the process that occurs when a claim is submitted by a customer, in pocket.
- The Customer completes the claim tab in pocket and selects Submit.
- This process submits the claim to the broker. (This does differ with some carriers, please see My Mutual FAQS and Wawanesa FAQS for their processes)
- The broker will receive an activity, in bond, which looks like the image below. (You can select the 3 dots to assign to yourself or someone else).
- The Customer receives an email to confirm they have reported the incident, which looks like this:
- An activity appears called 'Email to Customer - Insurance Claim Submitted'. Like here:
- To open the claim in bond, view this recording.
- When the broker opens the claim in bond, the Customer Claim Information screen opens.
- Note that the Report button is highlighted orange as it has yet to have been sent to the Insurer. This is so that the brokerage has the opportunity to review the claim PRIOR to it being submitted to the insurer. If further information is needed or perhaps the claim is not covered, less than the deductible or any other reason, it means that the broker has the chance to review and give the best advise and/or can advise the customer as soon as possible.
- Select Report, to proceed with reporting the claim to the carrier. (Report it after assessing if its viable that the customer makes the claim, and what effect it will have on their policy/future premiums etc).
- If Report is not selected the claim will just be in bond and the carrier will have no notification of it.
- The broker will then receive a pop up asking if you are sure you want to report the claim to the insurer. Shown here:
- For Agile Sprint, when Yes is selected, an email is sent to Maxwell claims with a copy to Agile Sprint with the Customers Policy Dec, Wording and AFI attached. *
- If you then return to the open claim, the Report button is greyed out as its not available because it has already been actioned. Shown here:
* Note that if the insurance is with another carrier, you will need to follow their process for reporting claims. For example, for SGI Canada, you would submit a claim through their Boss Portal.
- After the claim is reported you will may want to take a look at the activities that are created, so you can assign to yourself or another of your colleagues.
You can view the claim details again by selecting the Open Claim option from the menu as shown in the image above, however this does just give a summary.
For full claim information, you will be able to easily access it from the Customer Profile page. That tab is only created once a claim exists, as shown here:
Using the Actions icon, shown above, will have Edit as a menu option, if selected will open the Customer Claim Information screen.
Agile Sprint claims are handled by their adjusters, Maxwell Claims Service (MCS).
If the customer calls their claims number, out of hours, they will get through to the adjusters who will be able to collect information over the phone and record this. This claims information will updated in bond for the broker shortly after.
The broker will receive an open activity, with the claim notification and see the claim under the claims tab as per any other type of claim, however the Report button will be grey, so that it is not possible for the broker to report again.