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Home > What's New > Bulletins > Bulletin April 23rd, 2021 - New Suite of Reports
Bulletin April 23rd, 2021 - New Suite of Reports
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Nude Solutions Updated Release


Anticipated release date (changes to go into effect on the Power BI web service)


  • April 23rd, 2021


These changes will be reflected in the Insights module at a later date.

Affected Stakeholders:  Finance, Operations, Sales, Marketing.


Thank you for your ongoing support! We are continuously working to improve the nude solutions platform and cannot do it without you! 


Please send any enhancements to: [email protected] 


This bulletin contains information to consider after the latest update is released. It includes useful information about changes that may affect your day to day processes. If you have any third party partnerships, don’t forget to let them know of any changes that may affect them also!


We felt in important to identify key stakeholders in our enhancement bulletins and so have create a standardized list of department to help you identify where these changes may impact your day to day.

  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Finance
  • Sales
  • HR


What’s New? 


 6 New Reports


The following are new additions to the suite of reports.  There is also a seperate guide to each of these updates attached and will shortly be added to the Support Knowledge base

Accounts Receivable (Listing & Aging)

  • Tabular report that contains details about what the policyholders owe. Displays the outstanding balance at a specific point in time based on the scheduled payments. The aging component shows the amount that is due within the next 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. Contains policyholder contact details and all purchased policies.


Book of Business – Report

  • Tabular report that contains policy sales, written premium, brokerage commission, & brokerage commission % of grand total by Line of Business, Carrier, and Policy Type


New Business Policy Details

  • Tabular report that shows only new business policy sales.


Production Report

  • Tabular report showing all policy details at dec page. First page show summary details (PIF Count, PIF Premium, Policy Sales, Written Premium), second page shows all policy details including endorsements and/or cancellations.


Quote Analysis

  • Quote tracking report that displays prospective customer demographics, closing ratio, lockout ratio, drop-off ratio, total quotes, etc. Second page contains tabular and quote specific details.


Renewal List

  • Dataset showing in-force policies only, PIF Count, PIF Premium, Written Annual Premium etc. This report does not include policy coverage information (deductible, limit, etc.)


11 Reports Renamed


The following reports have been renamed to provide clarity on the reporting criteria.


Book of Business Dashboard

  • Previously known as Sales: Book of Business – Analysis

Cancellation Report

  • Previously known as Sales: Cancellation – Analysis

Post Purchase Marketing Analysis

  • Previously known as Sales: Marketing – Analysis

Broker Assisted Analysis (New Business)

  • Previously known as Sales: New Policies, Broker Assisted – Analysis

Charity Analysis

  • Previously known as Marketing: Charity Partners – Analysis

New Premium, Broker Assisted – KPI

  • Previously known as Sales: New Premium, Broker Assisted – KPI

New Revenue, Broker Assisted – Analysis

  • Previously known as Sales: New Revenue, Broker Assisted – Analysis

Non-Broker Assisted Analysis (New Business)

  • Previously known as Sales: Non-Broker Assisted – Analysis

Partner Policies with Referral Fees

  • Previously known as Sales: Policies, Referral Fees, Partner – Report

Policies – KPI

  • Previously known as Sales: Policies – KPI

Transaction & Payment Reconciliation

  • Previously known as Transaction & Payment Reconciliation - Report


5 Report Improvements


Book of Business Dashboard (see Image 1)

  • Previously known as Sales: Book of Business – Analysis

Additional Improvements:

  • Policy Created (Purchase) Date’ updated to ‘Transaction Effective Date’ (this will change most, if not all, values that were reported)
  • Monthly & quarterly growth visuals additions
  • Policy count now include renewals (unless otherwise specified)
  • Flat cancelled policies are now excluded (were previously included)


Cancellation Report (See Image 2)

  • Previously known as Sales: Cancellation – Analysis

Additional Improvements:

  • New button functionality to drill down to policy specific cancellation details.
  • Policy count now include renewals (unless otherwise specified)


Post Purchase Marketing Analysis (see Image 3)

  • Previously known as Sales: Marketing – Analysis

Additional Improvements:

  • ‘Policy Created (Purchase) Date’ updated to ‘Transaction Effective Date’ (this will change most, if not all, values that were reported)
  • Policy count now include renewals (unless otherwise specified)
  • Flat cancelled policies are now excluded (were previously included)


Transaction & Payment Reconciliation

  • Now refreshed daily (was previously refreshed on the first of every month)

Trial Balance

  • Toggle button that navigates between either Accounting Date or Transaction Date was moved to the left-hand side for easier navigation.



5 Decommissioned Reports


Sales: New Policies, Broker Assisted – Report

  • Now Available in Broker Assisted Analysis (New Business)

Sales: Personal Property Policies – Analysis

  • Now Available in Renewal Report & Partner Policies with Referral Fees

Sales: Personal Property Policies, Insurer – Analysis

  • This will be available for CNude (Carriers)

Sales: Policies – Report

  • Exact report is now Available in Production Report

Record Sales


What’s coming next!  


  • Claims data will not be available in this release of the new suite of reports (but is coming at a later date).






Reports are refreshed up to 12am (midnight), so the information you see only has reporting information up until that time the previous day.


*After you Drill down, to return to the previous screen you can click on the Nude Solutions Icon or click on the other page, shown here:










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