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Home > Third Party Integrations > Hubspot > HubSpot Integration
HubSpot Integration
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HubSpot API – Deals Pipeline


Requirement: You must have HubSpot Sales (either Free, Starter, Professional or Enterprise).


Purpose: Adding the Deals Pipeline integration will provide additional properties than what is provided with the Quote properties. The additional properties are as follows:


  •  The Deal Name will be <Customer Name> - <Quote Number> and <Policy Number> on sale close
  •  Product Name will be set to the policy type of the quote (IE: Home)
  •  Effective Date will be set to the selected effective date of the policy when it is sold (effective dates for quotes is not available)
  •  Insured Address will be set to the street address of the risk when available
  •  RestoreQuoteLink will have a link in it to restore the quote




Step 1 

  •  Navigate to ‘Sales’ then ‘Deals’



  • There is a dropdown in the top near the grid/list view display options, click that then ‘edit pipelines’



  • Navigate to the ‘Pipelines’ tab



  • Towards the middle of the page you will see "Select a pipeline" with a drop down. Select the pipeline you want (or create it). If creating new, you will need to save. 



  • then click the </> symbol to the right. Record the text under ‘internal ID’ – it may say ‘default’ or a number like below:



  • Click on the "Configure" tab below the pipeline you have chosen and add the following 3 stages by scrolling down until you see  
    •  Personal Information stage (stage 1) – this will be triggered once the customer leaves the personal information stage
    •  Quote stage (stage 2) – this will be triggered once the customer exits the quote page and has gotten a price
    •  Purchased stage (stage 3) – this is fired when the policy is purchased.
  •  For each stage, record the ID. If you hover the stage name, the </> icon will appear again and similar to above we need the ‘Internal Id’ for the stage


Step 3

  • You will need to create a property group named “Unassigned” for deals. In order to do this, select "Properties" on the left hand dashboard, 
  • Click the Groups Tab, click on Create Group Bar



Step 4

  •  Send a new ticket or respond to an existing ticket at [email protected] and let us know you are now set up with the Deals Pipeline in Hubspot and are ready for the integration to be activated. We will need you to  include the ID's recorded in the steps (1 Pipeline ID, and 3 Stage IDs). We will let you know when we have activated the integration.


Functionality (once integration is activated)

Below is what it should resemble. The Deals API builds off the existing HubSpot connection and will add a Deal for each quote a customer gets. The customer and deal will be tied together.


Stage 1
• Customer has left the personal information page in the platform
• Customer is created in HubSpot
• Deal is created in the Stage 1 bin – no price is yet available; deal is linked to the Contact providing customer information

Stage 2

  • Customer has received and selected a quote
  •  Deal is moved to Stage 2 bin and a price is now available

Stage 3

  •  Policy has been purchased by the customer
  •  Deal is moved to final stage and price updated




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