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What is admin?
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Who can access the admin module? 

The digital champion or an employee with a customer permission granting access to the module. 


How to open the admin module 

Login to the nude solutions platform and access admin using either option below: 


From the landing page - select the middle of the module wheel 




From within the platform, click the module when in the top left corner and select admin from the dropdown menu. 



There are four admin tools to select from: 

  • Nude Setup 

  • Permissions (active now) 

  • Commission Agreements (under development) 

  • Employee Setup (active now) 


Nude Setup 

 Control features of the platform, without support including:

  • Business Levels
  • Roles
  • Policy Types/Provinces
  • CSIO (under development) 



This tool allows the user to add and edit permission groups 


You will find the following on the overview screen 

  • Name of permission group 

  • Description of permission group 

  • Edit action button 


How to add a permission group 

  1. Click ‘Permissions’ 

  1. If there are no pre-existing permissions, you will be brought to a landing page. Click ‘+ Add New’ or if permissions do exist, you will be directed to a list of pre-existing conditions. Click ‘Add Permission Group’ in the top left corner 

  1. Add custom name for permission group 

  1. Add a description (not a required field) 

  1. Choose the modules you would like to add to the permission group. Each module will have a list of permission that can be removed. If you would like all permissions for the group click the select all box or expand the section and select each permission separately.  

  1. Click ‘submit’ to save changes 

  1. You will be redirected to the Permissions overview tab 


How to edit a permission group 

  1. In the permission group overview screen, click the edit action button 

  1. To remove a permission, click on the ticked box to unselect the permission. 

  1. To add a permission, locate the permission and click the Assign box to select 

  1. Click save to save changes 


Commission Agreements 

Under development 


Employee Setup 

A user with admin module access can add and edit Employees and Permissions allocated to employees. 


You will find the following information detailed on the overview screen: 

  • Employee Name 

  • Employee Work Email 

  • Green check mark on left (verified email) 

  • Grey circle on left (unverified email)  

  • Permission Groups 

  • Roles (under development, will default to 0) 

  • Commission Agreements (under development, will default to 0) 

  • Status – will show status of employee account 

  • Active  

  • Inactive 

  • Actions 

  • Edit 

  • Inactivate 

  • Resent Email Verification 

  • Reactivate (will only show on inactive employee) 


You will find the following information detailed on the employee screen 

  • First and Last Name* 

  • Address 

  • Work Email* 

  • Phone Number* 

  • Date of Birth 

  • Gender 

  • Special Permission 

  • Gives the employee full access to the admin module.  

  • At minimum 1 employee must be assigned the Special Permission. (system will not allow the digital champion to be removed until a new user has been assigned this permission.  


How to add new employee 

  1. Select ‘+ Add New’ 

  1. You will be redirected to a new tab called ‘add employee’.  

  1. Enter employee information. Some fields are required * 

  1. Special Permission – Allows the user to allocate the Digital Champion status to an employee. If the employee is NOT a Digital Champion leave this blank. 

  1. Permission Groups – Select the dropdown to add permission groups. Multiple permission groups can be added to this section. Custom permission groups will also appear here. 

  1. Click ‘Submit’ to save or ‘Cancel’ to discard changes 


Once an employee has been added a verification email will be sent to the employees email. The employee will be unable to login until their email has been verified. 


How to edit an employee email 

  1. Click the actions button next to the employee and click ‘edit’ 

  1. Navigate to the employees email address and change as required 

  1. Click Submit to save changes 

  1. An email is sent to the employee to verify the change. The user will remain as unverified in the overview section until the employee has verified the new email address. 

  1. The employees login will be restricted until verified by the employee 

  1. If the employee does not click the verification email the link can be resent from the overview screen 


How to add/remove permissions 

  1. Click the actions button next to the employee and click ‘edit’ 

  1. Navigate to the permissions box and click the x next to the permission. 

  1. Click Submit to save changes or click cancel to return to the overview screen 


How to inactivate employee 

  1. Click the actions button next to the employee and click ‘inactivate’ 

  1. A pop up will appear to confirm or cancel the request 

  1. Select ‘OK’ to continue 

  1. The employee will be moved to the bottom of the list and the status will change to inactive 


How to reactivate employee  

  1. Click the actions button next to the employee and click ‘activate’ 

  1. A pop up will appear to confirm or cancel the request 

  1. Select ‘OK’ to continue 

  1. The employee will now have an active status 

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